Metallurgical cleaned coal has been mainly used for coking blend in domestic steel and iron plants and coking plants. 冶炼精煤主要供国内钢铁厂及焦化厂配煤炼焦使用。
Test Oven Experiment on Coking of Coal Blend Blended with Used Plastic 废塑料配煤炼焦的小焦炉试验
Coking Test for Blend with Waste Plastics 废塑料配煤炼焦试验
In order to prolong the coke oven lifetime and ensure steady production, management must be strengthened, operation procedures be strictly adhered to, daily maintenance be properly done and scientific management on coking time and quality of coal blend be promoted. 提出为达到延长焦炉使用寿命,保证焦炉稳定生产的目的,必须做到加强管理,严格执行操作规程,搞好焦炉的日常维护,并在确定合适结焦时间和配煤质量等方面做到科学管理。
Chinese Anthracite used for Coking Blend 中国无烟煤用于炼焦配煤
The coking by stamping for different blended coals is conducted in test coke oven. The coking by stamping can raise mechanical strength of coke, improve thermal property of coke, and blend a great quantity of high-volatile gas coal. 对不同的配合煤用试验焦炉进行捣固炼焦,捣固炼焦可以提高焦炭机械强度,改善焦炭热性质,多配高挥发分气煤。
Coking experiment with their blend gave better coke strength and caking index than that with single coal from Anshan I S Inc. Kailuan coal concentrates could be the substitutes of fat coal, coking coal and 1/ 3 coking coal presently used in Anshan I S Inc. 代替鞍钢单种煤的炼焦试验取得了较好的效果,焦炭强度、粘结指标均可提高;开滦炼焦精煤可取代鞍钢现用的肥煤、焦煤和13焦煤用于炼焦,并可提高焦炭强度。
Experimental study of dilatability of agglomerate polymer SELECTION OF COKING BLEND BY DILATABILITY AND MAXIMUM FLUIDITY TESTS 聚凝体聚合物膨胀特性实验研究利用膨胀度和胶质体流动性选择炼焦配煤
Research on Yield of Coking Products from Coal Blend Blended with Used Plastics 对废塑料配煤炼焦产品产率的研究
Under the normal coking process and the regular blend with constant proportion of coking coal and fat coal, the property of WangFengGang coal and its influence on metallurgical coke were studied. 研究了在常规炼焦工艺及肥煤、焦煤比例相对稳定条件下,望峰岗煤的性质对焦炭热态性能的贡献。
Research on the application of coal petrology in coking blend 煤岩学在炼焦配煤中的应用研究